
Necessary Camping Tools

We can assist with professional guides that will let you know about everything that is needed for a camping adventure. Before investing a large amount in a whole load of new camping equipment (especially if you are a first-time camper), you may be better off borrowing the basic camping equipment, checking out “hire camping equipment near me”, or shopping around for used camping equipment, so that you can experience Australian camping before spending too much for your new hobby.

While it is good to start with a few cheaper items so that you can give camping a go and see if it is something that appeals to you, you have also got to balance that cheaper camping gear is not going to last, and may hamper your first camping experience in Australia (cheap tents are certainly not worth the hassle, having had enough times that a pole broke, the material has torn apart, or the tent leaked when I went on a camping trip in England while you are away on holiday in Cornwall).

If you know you are going to enjoy your experience camping in Australia, it is worth investing in a proper setup right from the get-go, so your essential camping equipment is strong and durable, and lasts a long time. Once you have got all of your camping gear in place, that is when the fun begins, and you get to begin exploring and experiencing many amazing parts of this great country of ours. Packing a vehicle, loading up with all your camping equipment and your kids, and then heading out on a road trip to explore this awesome country of ours is the reason camping is so incredibly popular in Australia.

At the end of the day, camping in this vast nation is about getting outside in the great outdoors and having fun, so make sure to bring any accessories that you may need to enjoy your time. When heading to a campsite, you are usually going to get out there to do things, and this will unavoidably mean taking a few toys with you, along with the basic camp equipment (tent, sleeping gear, chairs/tables, a camp cooking kit, etc.). I left off items like clothes, toiletries, and food, this guide has covered everything you need as far as a place to sleep, cook, and relax.

In this section, we have included all of these essential things that you will need to camp like a place to sleep, sit, cook, and so on. All of the essential items to camp will make your experience more comfortable. If you are looking to have an epic camping experience in Australia, then we are going to give you the ultimate packing guide which includes the essential backpacking items that we recommend you to pack to make sure that your trip is successful. We have done the legwork for you: Whether you are satisfied with only the basics, want some extra creature comforts, or want a full-on glamping experience, here’s every piece of gear you will need for your first camping experience.

Sleeping pad or mattress – These can be found for only $65, but if this is your first time, get one that is inflated automatically so that you do not have to pump up on your own, as well as something of quality so your first camping trip is comfortable. A small camp stove can be picked up cheaply at camping stores, or, again, online at most hardware stores. Now, sitting around is all very well and good, but at some point, you are likely going to want to prepare your meals more quickly; that is where a small camping stove comes in handy.

If you have packed a pot from home, you could even use the camp stove to boil water for a cup of tea, or for making supper in the tent. You will need something to make the barbecue or camp stove work too, so make sure that light or matches are included in your list of camp essentials. If you are taking your camping toilet, you will likely need a bathroom tent as well, unless you are looking to sleep on a towel under the stars, which, let us face it, is not exactly the comfiest way to relax, then you are going to want a tent. Also, if you are thinking of fishing, look out for the top fishing equipment in Australia to get the best gear.

As a guide, consider the layout for sleeping arrangements, because you and your family will not need to be squeezed into a single tent. If you are ditching your RV or campervan for a tent, remember to pack some bedding, which will include mattresses, pillows, and sleeping bags. If you are camping somewhere that has colder weather or tends to get cold easily, you may want to invest in sleeping bag covers as well. If you are looking to camp comfortably, then a slightly larger tent is going to be the first item on your checklist: You will be able to sit comfortably, which makes changing into and out of clothes a lot easier, as well as having additional space for storing all of your gear.

Varieties of Coffee Beans Grown in Australia

Australia is famous for its great coffee and also grows really good coffee beans. The different weather and soil in different parts of the country help make different kinds of coffee. Knowing about the types of coffee grown in Australia can help us understand more about the country’s coffee and the flavours of Australian coffee.

Arabica Coffee Beans

Arabica coffee beans are Australia’s most widely grown variety, prized for their complex flavours and aromatic qualities. These beans thrive in the high-altitude regions of Queensland and Northern New South Wales, where the climate is more relaxed, and the soil is rich in nutrients. Arabica beans from Australia are known for their smooth, balanced flavours, often featuring notes of fruit, chocolate, and nuts.

Arabica beans require specific growing conditions to produce high-quality coffee. They are typically grown at altitudes between 600 to 1,200 metres above sea level, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. The subtropical regions of Australia provide an ideal environment for Arabica cultivation, with consistent rainfall and well-drained soils. This variety is highly susceptible to pests and diseases, necessitating careful cultivation and management practices to ensure healthy crops.

Robusta Coffee Beans

Though less prevalent than Arabica, robusta coffee beans are also grown in Australia, particularly in regions with lower altitudes and warmer climates. They are known for their robust, bold flavour and higher caffeine content than Arabica beans. Due to their strong flavour profile and crema-enhancing properties, robusta beans are often used in espresso blends and instant coffee.

Robusta beans are more resilient to pests and diseases and can thrive in conditions where Arabica beans might struggle. They are typically grown at altitudes below 600 metres, with temperatures ranging from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius. The beans are characterised by their earthy, nutty, and sometimes bitter flavour, making them a preferred choice for coffee blends requiring a more robust taste and higher caffeine kick.

Specialty Coffee Varieties

In addition to Arabica and Robusta, Australia has several specialty coffee varieties catering to niche markets and connoisseurs seeking unique flavours. These specialty beans often result from innovative agricultural practices, selective breeding, and attention to post-harvest processing.

Gesha Coffee Beans

One of Australia’s most renowned specialty coffee varieties is Gesha (or Geisha) coffee. Originally from Ethiopia, Gesha beans have gained popularity worldwide for their exceptional quality and distinctive floral and jasmine-like flavours. Australian coffee growers have successfully cultivated Gesha beans in regions with suitable microclimates, producing beans that fetch premium prices in the specialty coffee market.

Gesha beans are grown at high altitudes, similar to Arabica, and require meticulous care throughout the cultivation and processing stages. The beans are known for their bright acidity, complex flavours, and aromatic qualities, making them a favourite among coffee enthusiasts and specialty roasters.

Typica and Bourbon Coffee Beans

Typica and Bourbon are other notable specialty coffee varieties grown in Australia. These heirloom varieties are descendants of some of the oldest coffee plants known for their superior quality and unique flavour profiles. Typica beans typically offer a clean, sweet taste with a balanced body, while Bourbon beans are celebrated for their rich, buttery, and complex flavours.

Growing Typica and Bourbon beans in Australia requires careful selection of growing sites with optimal conditions. These varieties thrive in high-altitude regions with well-drained soils and moderate temperatures. Cultivating these beans often involves traditional farming practices and a focus on sustainability, contributing to their distinct quality and flavour.

Sustainable Coffee Farming Practices

Sustainability is a significant focus in the cultivation of coffee beans Australia. Many Australian coffee growers are committed to environmentally friendly practices, including organic farming, shade-grown coffee, and water conservation. These practices contribute to the ecosystem’s health and enhance the quality and flavour of the coffee beans.

Organic coffee farming avoids synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, relying instead on natural methods to maintain soil fertility and control pests. Shade-grown coffee involves cultivating coffee plants under the canopy of native trees, promoting biodiversity and protecting the environment. Water conservation techniques, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, are also employed to reduce the environmental impact of coffee cultivation.

The varieties of coffee beans grown in Australia, including Arabica, Robusta, and specialty beans like Gesha, Typica, and Bourbon, reflect the country’s diverse and dynamic coffee industry. The unique growing conditions and commitment to sustainable farming contribute to Australian coffee’s exceptional quality and flavour. As the industry continues to evolve, Australian coffee growers are poised to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future, ensuring that coffee beans from Australia remain a sought-after commodity in the global market.

Revive Forgotten Spaces

Our homes are not just structures; they are an extension of our personalities, a reflection of our tastes and preferences. However, over time, certain spaces in our homes may become neglected, tucked away in the shadows of our busy lives. These forgotten corners, if given attention, can be transformed into functional and beautiful areas that add value to our homes and enhance our overall living experience. Here, we will explore some of the most important areas that often go unnoticed and offer tips on how to renovate them effectively.

The Basement

welded mesh

The basement is often the most overlooked space in a home. It tends to become a dumping ground for old furniture, seasonal decorations, and items we no longer use. However, with some creativity and effort, the basement can be converted into a valuable living area.

Start by decluttering and organising the space. Donate or discard items that are of no use to you any more. Once you have a clean slate, consider your options. Basements can be turned into a variety of spaces, including a home office, a family room, a game room, or even a guest suite. To make the basement feel welcoming, ensure proper lighting, insulation, and ventilation. Choose flooring and decor that complement the purpose of the space. Installing a bathroom can also add convenience and functionality to your basement renovation.

The Attic

Like the basement, the attic is another underutilised area in many homes. It often serves as a storage space for old belongings and is rarely considered for renovation. However, with a little imagination, it can become a charming and functional part of your home.

Before you start your attic renovation:

  1. Inspect the structure to ensure it can support your intended use. Once that’s confirmed, you can transform it into a cosy bedroom, a home office, a playroom, or even a tranquil reading nook.
  2. Consider adding skylights or dormer windows to bring in natural light and create an inviting atmosphere.
  3. Insulate the attic properly to maintain a comfortable temperature year-round.
  4. Don’t forget to install adequate storage solutions to keep the space organised and clutter-free.

The Bathroom

Let’s not forget about the bathroom when considering neglected spaces in our homes. Often seen as purely functional, bathrooms can also benefit from a thoughtful renovation. Update the fixtures and fittings to create a more modern and inviting atmosphere. Consider installing stylish shaving cabinets for added storage and organisation, giving your bathroom a sleek and organised appearance. Don’t underestimate the impact of a well-chosen fixture like the best kitchen mixer tap, which can elevate the aesthetics and functionality of your bathroom sink area, making it a more enjoyable space for daily routines. With a bathroom renovation, you can transform this often-overlooked space into a spa-like retreat that enhances your daily self-care rituals.

The Laundry Room

Laundry rooms are often relegated to dark, cramped spaces in the basement or garage. However, with a bit of attention, they can become functional and pleasant areas where you can complete this necessary chore with ease.

Start by optimising the layout. Ensure that you have ample counter space for folding clothes, shelves for storing laundry supplies, and a sink for handwashing and other tasks. Choose energy-efficient appliances to save on utility costs. Consider adding a pop of colour or decorative tiles to make the room more inviting. Adequate lighting is crucial in a laundry room, so install bright overhead lights and task lighting where needed. Don’t forget to improve ventilation to keep the space fresh and free of moisture.

The Garage

Garages are often used solely for car storage and as a dumping ground for tools, sports equipment, and holiday decorations. However, with the right renovation, your garage can become a multifunctional space that serves various purposes.

Begin by decluttering and organising the garage. Install storage cabinets, shelves, and pegboards to keep tools and equipment in order. If you have the space, consider creating a home gym, a workshop, or even a game room. Insulate and add climate control to make the garage comfortable year-round. Replace the garage door with an insulated one to improve energy efficiency. Enhance the flooring with epoxy coatings or durable tiles to create an attractive and easy-to-clean surface.

The Outdoor Space 

While not technically a part of your home’s interior, neglected outdoor spaces can significantly impact your overall living experience. Your backyard, patio, or balcony has the potential to become an extension of your home, providing a place for relaxation, entertainment, and connection with nature.

Start by assessing the current condition of your outdoor space. Repair any damaged structures or surfaces and address drainage issues. Define the purpose of the area – whether it’s for dining, lounging, gardening, or a combination of these. Consider incorporating wire mesh panels for added security and privacy, creating a cosy and enclosed atmosphere. Using welded mesh as a fencing option can enhance the aesthetics while also providing safety and structure to your outdoor haven. Don’t forget to add comfortable outdoor furniture, vibrant cushions, and lush landscaping to complete the transformation. 

With careful planning, creative design, and the right investment, you can breathe new life into these forgotten corners, turning them into areas that you and your family will cherish for years to come. So, don’t let these overlooked spaces languish any longer – it’s time to unleash their full potential and make the most of your home.

Streetwear Subcultures in the Heart of Melbourne

Melbourne, Australia, is known for its vibrant and diverse streetwear scene, which draws inspiration from various subcultures and reflects the city’s unique blend of art, music, and fashion. Within the bustling metropolis, a kaleidoscope of styles and influences coalesces, giving rise to a dynamic and ever-evolving streetwear culture. In this exploration, we delve deep into Melbourne streetwear, uncovering its subcultures, iconic fashion pieces like the “homie jumper,” and the individuals who define this compelling movement.

The Melbourne Streetwear Landscape

As one of Australia’s fashion capitals, Melbourne has carved out a distinct niche in the global streetwear scene. It’s a city where creativity knows no bounds, and individuality is celebrated. The streets serve as both canvas and runway, with Melburnians boldly expressing themselves through clothing that combines high fashion, urban aesthetics, and a unique sense of identity.

Homie Jumper: A Melbourne Icon

At the heart of Melbourne’s streetwear culture lies the iconic “homie jumper.” This distinctive clothing, typically featuring a minimalist design and the word “homie” emblazoned across the chest, has become synonymous with Melbourne street style. It symbolises unity, belonging, and community within the city’s diverse subcultures.

The “homie jumper” is more than just a piece of clothing; it represents a sense of camaraderie and shared identity among those who don it. Wearing one is like becoming part of an exclusive club, where everyone is a “homie” bound together by a love for Melbourne streetwear and its subcultures.

The Pioneers of Melbourne Streetwear

To understand the depth and breadth of Melbourne’s streetwear subcultures, we must acknowledge the pioneers who paved the way for this unique fashion movement. Melbourne has been home to many trailblazing designers, brands, and artists who have left an indelible mark on the global streetwear landscape.

Names like Perks and Mini (P.A.M.), Misha Hollenbach’s and Shauna Toohey’s brainchild have garnered international acclaim for their innovative designs that blend street fashion with art. Their eclectic style and use of vibrant colours have set the bar high for Melbourne streetwear.

Another influential figure in the Melbourne streetwear scene is Daniel Johnston, the founder of the iconic streetwear brand Vanishing Elephant. Known for its classic, timeless designs and attention to detail, Vanishing Elephant has garnered a dedicated following locally and abroad.

Exploring Melbourne’s Streetwear Subcultures

Melbourne’s streetwear subcultures are as diverse as the city itself. Each subculture brings a unique flavour to the fashion scene, from skaters to hip-hop enthusiasts.

1. The Skateboarders: Skateboarding and streetwear have been intertwined for decades. In Melbourne, skateboarders are more than just athletes; they are fashion pioneers. Their style often includes loose-fitting jeans, oversized hoodies, and the ubiquitous “homie jumper.” Iconic skate spots like Riverslide Skate Park in the city’s heart are hubs for skating and streetwear culture.

2. The Hip-Hop Heads: Melbourne’s thriving hip-hop scene has deeply influenced streetwear culture. Rappers and graffiti artists like Bliss n Eso and Lushsux are recognized for their music and unique fashion sense. Baggy pants, oversized t-shirts, and bold accessories are staples in this subculture.

3. The Artistic Visionaries: Melbourne’s street art and graffiti culture are symbiotic with streetwear. The city’s laneways are adorned with colourful murals and tags, inspiring Melbourne streetwear designers to incorporate these elements into their creations. The result is a fusion of art and fashion that defines Melbourne’s streetwear scene.

4. The Sneakerheads: Sneakers are essential to streetwear, and Melbourne boasts a thriving community of sneaker enthusiasts. Limited-edition releases and vintage kicks are highly sought after, with dedicated sneaker boutiques scattered throughout the city.

5. The Music Mavericks: Melbourne’s eclectic music scene, from rock to electronic, has unique streetwear subcultures. Musicians often serve as fashion influencers, shaping trends with their distinctive stage outfits and music videos.

The Future of Melbourne Streetwear

As Melbourne’s streetwear culture continues to evolve, it remains a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. The “homie jumper” symbolises the unity and diversity that define Melbourne streetwear. Its culture thrives on individuality, creativity, and a deep sense of community.

In the heart of Melbourne, streetwear subcultures continue to shape the city’s fashion landscape, influencing global trends and impacting the world of fashion. As long as there are creative minds and a passion for self-expression, Melbourne’s streetwear scene will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of street fashion. The “homie jumper” is not just a piece of clothing; it symbolises a city that embraces diversity and celebrates the freedom to be oneself.

Oiling Your Deck with the Best Oil

A well-maintained deck can add value and beauty to your home, providing a perfect place for outdoor entertainment and relaxation. However, harsh weather conditions and constant exposure to UV rays can cause your deck to fade, crack, and deteriorate over time. That’s where an oiling deck comes in – it not only rejuvenates the natural colour and texture of your wood, but it also provides protection against water damage, mildew, and insects.

But with so many decking oils on the market, how do you choose the best one for your deck? Consider the following crucial elements:

  1. Type of Wood

Different types of wood have different characteristics and absorb oil differently. For example, softwoods like pine and cedar are more porous and require a lighter oil, while hardwoods like teak and mahogany are denser and need a heavier oil. Make sure to choose an oil that is suitable for your specific type of wood.

  1. Colour and Finish

Decking oils come in a variety of colours and finishes, ranging from clear and natural to tinted and semi-transparent. The colour and finish you choose will depend on your personal preference and the desired look for your deck. Clear oils are great for preserving the natural colour and grain of the wood, while tinted oils can enhance or change the colour of your deck.

  1. Durability

The ability of decking oil to resist water, UV rays, and regular wear and tear determines its durability. Look for oils specifically designed for outdoor use and offer long-lasting protection. You want to avoid having to reapply the oil every year!

Here are some of the top decking oils on the market now that you know what to look for:

  1. Decking Oil Ronseal Ultimate Protection

This oil is ideal for softwoods and protects against water and UV rays. It comes in a variety of natural tints and has a long lifespan.

  1. Cuprinol Anti-Slip Decking Oil

If safety is a concern, this oil is the way to go. It contains anti-slip microbeads that provide a slip-resistant surface, making it ideal for frequently wet areas. It also offers protection against water, UV rays, and general wear and tear.

  1. Barrettine Premier Wood Preservative and Decking Oil

This oil is a great all-rounder, providing protection and enhancement for your deck. It is suitable for all types of wood and comes in various colours. It is very simple to use and dries rapidly.

  1. Sadolin Classic Wood Protection

This oil is a heavy-duty option that is perfect for hardwoods like teak and mahogany. It protects against water and UV rays and is available in various colours.

  1. Liberon Decking Oil

This oil is a favourite among DIY enthusiasts and professionals. It is easy to apply, dries quickly, and provides long-lasting protection against water and UV rays. It is available in a range of natural colours and finishes.

Whatever decking oil you choose, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and practical application. Clean and prepare your deck before applying the oil, and let it dry completely before using it again.

Oiling your deck is essential to deck maintenance, providing both beauty and protection. Choosing the best decking oil for your specific needs ensures that your deck looks great and lasts for years.

How To Choose Best Camera Lens

Choosing the right lens for your DSLR camera is an important decision. A 50mm or 75mm lens is best for full-frame cameras, as the focal length matches the size of the sensor and can produce a frame image with no distortion. For smaller sensors, 100mm lenses are often used as they create an image circle that’s large enough to cover more of the sensor and provide higher-resolution images. Focal lengths like 15-35mm will be affected by crop when used on smaller sensors due to their wider-angle capabilities, while longer focal lengths like 100-200mm will remain unaffected. The most important thing to remember when choosing lenses for a DSLR is to find one that fits your sensor size and format camera.

For example, if you have a frame camera with a smaller image sensor, you will need to choose lenses that are designed for smaller sensors. Longer focal length camera lenses are great for capturing distant subjects and scenes but will not be suitable for cameras with smaller sensors. On the other hand, shorter focal lengths can be used on all types of cameras but they may not capture the entire scene and require more focus to keep your subject in the frame.

A wide-angle lens is best for capturing large scenes, such as landscapes or city vistas. If you have someone in your image, then a longer lens will help to keep them in the foreground while still capturing the full line of sight. Depending on the kind of images you are taking, it may be beneficial to have both an angle lens and a long lens. This way you can easily switch between them to capture different perspectives and compositions.

When it comes to choosing the right lens for your DSLR, you need to consider your subject and what kind of shot you are looking for. For a wide-angle shot with an expansive view, a wide lens is a good choice. If you’re looking for more detail or to get close-up shots then a 120mm telephoto lens is ideal. An angle lens can add a comical look or make a powerful statement depending on how it’s used.

It’s important to understand the different focal lengths and how they affect your images. A wide-angle lens, such as a 24mm, can give an exaggerated perspective while a telephoto 105mm lens can bring distant objects closer to you. To choose the right camera lens for your DSLR camera, it’s important to consider all of the different focal lengths and how they will affect the image you are trying to create. When shopping for lenses, look at the lens barrel and zoom ring which help determine how much you can zoom in or out on an object. 

Focal length is an important factor when choosing lenses for your DSLR camera because it affects not only what type of shots you will be able to take but also what kind of perspective those shots will have. Each focal length has its own unique characteristics that must be considered when framing a shot with a digital camera so make sure you experiment with everything from wide-angle perspectives through telephoto and more in order to capture amazing images using every possible focal length available on your camera!

If you’re looking to purchase a DSLR camera, the first thing to consider is the lens mount. It’s important to check how much frame coverage each lens provides and what type of sensor size is recommended by the manufacturer. Depending on your budget, you may be able to get lenses from a third-party manufacturer that are compatible with your camera at a lower cost than those made by large brands. No matter which routes you decide on, it’s important to do research into different lens mounts and types in order to choose one that fits your needs and captures high-quality pictures!

Macro lenses are great for capturing close-up shots, but if you’re looking for a more general-purpose lens, look for one with a fixed maximum aperture. This will provide consistent results in all lighting conditions and make shooting easier. Large maximum aperture lenses are handy features when it comes to shooting in low light and capturing the shallow depth of field effects. Before buying any lens, make sure it is compatible with your camera body as some frame models require specific lenses. Also, consider whether the resolution is sufficient; reduced resolution images can result from using cheaper lenses that don’t have the highest quality optics.

When choosing camera lenses for your DSLR, it’s important to consider the type of photography you will be doing. If you are shooting a variety of subjects, an affordable zoom lens may be the best choice. A 105mm lens is typically good for portraits and has an effective focal length of 80mm when used with a crop sensor camera. For example, if you have a DSLR with an APS-C sensor model, then the equivalent focal length would be around 120mm. Maximum aperture is also important to consider as this affects how much light can reach the sensors and how sharp images look at different focal lengths.

When it comes to desert photography, like wildlife and the best examples of desert features, the biggest reason to invest in telephoto lenses is that they allow you to take shots from a distance without disturbing the subject. These lenses are also great for taking close-up portraits and capturing fast-moving sports events. If you’re just starting out then a kit lens would be ideal as it usually provides enough flexibility for most general shooting needs. However, if you want something more specialized then investing in telephoto lenses would be your best option.

How To Keep Cigars Fresh In Melbourne?

This article discusses how to keep cigars fresh in Melbourne. A humidor requires a small amount of regular maintenance, but a humidor will keep your cigars in ideal shape for an extended period of time. You can choose different sizes and different humidity levels based on how many cigars you are storing and/or how moist you prefer to keep cigars. Cigars stored in a humidor will maintain their flavour and quality longer than those stored without one. – For those in Melbourne looking to keep their cigars fresh, there are a few things to consider. First, you want to make sure you’re getting the absolute best brands. Thanks to companies like Arturo Fuente that have a long history of providing quality and consistency, this isn’t too hard to do. Second, you want to make sure you’ve got the right people handling your cigars. If they’re coming from Kansas City or Cincinnati Bengals or even the City Chiefs locker room after a Super Bowl win, then you know they’ve been handled the right way. Third, don’t forget about the claw – it’s important to give your cigars a good scratch before storing them away in your humidor so that air can circulate properly.

When it comes to keeping your cigars fresh in Melbourne, you’ll need to buy a humidor. The size of the humidor should be able to accommodate the number of cigars you want to store. If you plan on travelling with your cigars, you can also buy a travel humidor which is designed to fit snugly into luggage and accommodate different sizes and humidity levels.

For regular cigar smokers, you may want to consider a larger humidor that can hold thousands of cigars. To keep your cigars fresh in Melbourne, it is important to invest in either a room-sized humidor or a smaller travel-sized humidor. If you don’t have the budget for either of those options, you can convert a small cooler into an effective cigar storage unit by using a device to monitor humidity levels.

To maintain cigars’ freshness in Melbourne, it is important to purchase the most premium cigars. Cigars should be well-wrapped and stored in a cigar humidor designed specifically for cigars. We recommend purchasing from cigar manufacturers that require humidors to maintain the distinct taste and experience of their product. Designed humidors are great at maintaining both humidity and temperature levels; this helps keep the moisture inside, protecting the taste and increasing protection during shipping. You can also use small boxes designed specifically for cigars, but they need to be lined with distilled water or a spongy material to help maintain moisture. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your cigars stay fresh and provide you with an enjoyable experience every time.

Keeping only a few cigars at a time is ideal for those who grow their own cigars or tobacco or buy expensive money cigars. A humidified seal helps to keep your cigars fresh by locking in enough moisture for them to remain enjoyable. Maintaining your cigars includes storing them in a Boveda humidor, which is an elegantly simple device consisting of a wooden box with an interior and lid door. These boxes can be found in most cigar stores and are an easy way to keep your cigars fresh. If you are travelling, you may opt for a travel humidor that maintains the ideal level of humidity so that your cigars stay as fresh as possible.

cigars melbourne

If you are staying in Melbourne, the simplest way to keep your cigars fresh is to invest in a humidor. Humidors are specifically designed to keep cigars at the right temperature and humidity level. For a more affordable option, you can place a few cigars in a zip-top freezer bag with a damp sponge or paper towel. This will take up less space but requires some monitoring if kept for long periods of time.

Check your cigars every few days and if they feel dry, then storing them with a sponge is the best option. Use a moist sponge to keep the cigars moist and place them in a zip-top bag, making sure the bag is sealed tight. Place one or two bags of dried sponge inside the zip lock to absorb any excess moisture and make sure that everything is sealed tightly. This method requires some checking, but it’s probably the easiest thing you can do while in Melbourne.

The ideal cigar storage conditions include keeping the cigars in a humidor. It is important to understand the purpose of a humidor, which is to store your cigars in an environment that keeps them from drying out and allows them to remain fresh. Humidors usually have walls made of wood or metal that have been treated with a substance that absorbs water, as well as magnets on the lid to help keep it sealed.

To keep your cigars Melbourne fresh dry your cigars properly before storing them in the humidor. Too much dry air can strip the taste and flavour of your favourite cigar, so keeping them at the right humidity is essential. A travel humidor is a great way to maintain humidity control when you’re away from home. If you’re going to be travelling with your cigars, it’s best to pack them in a case or box and take them with you.

You can also recondition them if they seem dry or stiff. To do this, you’ll need to wrap the cigars in a Ziploc sleeve, then place them in a good humidor with the proper humidity source. This can be a tricky business as too much humidity can cause your cigars to become too moist, resulting in leaf loss and poor burning performance. If you make a mistake when cramming the humidor with cigars, you may end up losing some of your precious sticks.

Deck Staining VS Deck Coating

There are many reasons for staining the deck, but you have to be aware it hides the fine grain elements of the wood, which are what make it unique. If you are going to completely cover your wood, you will want to think about the differences between a stain and solid paint for a deck. If you are looking to stain an older painted deck, but you do not want that older paint layer, then this requires a bit of elbow grease.

With stain, however, if you are working on a deck that is been painted or stained before, then your options get a little bit limited. If your deck is exposed to the elements year-round, then painting it instead of staining makes the most sense. In many cases, staining a deck is a good option, as you are protecting the wood, and avoiding common problems that may arise from painting. We have seen that stain cannot be applied on top of paint on decks, as the paint will not allow wood stains to penetrate the boards.

With the paint providing a barrier to the wood, stains cannot penetrate the boards of the deck, nor will they create a protective shield to the wood. If your deck is made of pressure-treated wood, staining will stick much better than painting. If you use pressure-treated woods, the stain soaks in, becoming a part of the deck instead of a coat added on, meaning that it does not chip, crack, or peel. Wood stains also create a covering that will protect the deck, but will highlight the natural beauty of the wooden deck instead of creating an opaque cover on top.

Another difference is that one solid stain does not hide your deck board’s natural beauty entirely, as would two coats of stain. If your deck is made from a nice piece of wood, the stain and finish will bring out that. If your deck is made of wood, you will have to refinish the surface with deck stain, depending on unique recommendations based on the kind of wood used.

Just like painting, you will have to reapply wood stain on a wood deck every few years. If you are sick and tired of having a painted deck and would like the natural beauty of your wood deck to shine through, you will have to strip away all the paint on the deck before you are ready to apply your stain. Those looking to keep the natural beauty of their wood decks will usually choose deck stain over paint since even the thickest stain is not nearly as thick as products that are made to stain a deck.

In general, most types of wood can be stained or painted, but the look and general outcome will differ depending on the wood and refinishing products chosen. Stains are better than staining your deck if you are looking to accent and emphasize a wooden appearance.

Paint has more diversity and bolder colours, but staining your deck has more of a natural appearance, assuming you pick a translucent stain. The paint comes in many more colours and glosses than deck sanding and stains, which allows even more customization to fit your home’s colour scheme. Paint has a longer lifespan compared to a deck stain when applied properly. Deck paints tend to also last longer than stains, although they run the risk of fading and chipping over time.

Paint is much more UV-resistant than stain, meaning that it holds the colour you intend for much longer than stain. Paint on the home is ideal, as it is vertical and the water runs off, but when applying paint on a horizontal surface, such as the deck, it does not stand up to the elements as well as a stain; even when using oil-based primer. For instance, if you have vinyl or plastic siding, paint or stain is not going to work as well, since the surface does not adhere to the covering.

When it comes to covering the deck surface, staining usually takes less time than painting. Much of that preparation work applies to deck painting as well, but preparation is even more critical with staining since stain needs to be able to penetrate wood rather than just covering it. Just like deck painting, the idea behind staining is to give your deck a certain look and feel, while protecting the wood from weathering elements.

Paint will trap moisture inside of a deck as time goes on; conversely, staining will absorb into the wood, creating a seal that keeps the water out. While wood deck boards treated with a pressure treatment are built to withstand dampness, insects, fire, and other environmental hazards, this additional layer of protection, whether it is paint or stain, is recommended for several reasons. Unlike paint, only a single coat of stain is needed for outstanding results, as stains improve the wood surfaces instead of covering them.

The stain films are thinner in colour than those in paint, meaning that more of your wood grain will show through. Deck stain, by contrast, will provide you with a more natural appearance, while still allowing wood grains to shine through. If you are looking for a more natural, rustic look, then clear staining will provide just enough colour, or a clear coating will let the natural wood colour shine through even more.

Transparent stains can help keep your deck’s natural colouring, and they can easily let wood grains shine through. Unfortunately, you cannot apply transparent stain on a deck containing stain, unless you have had that stain removed by professionals in advance. You cannot rely on staining as a method of repair, since it is thinner than paint and does little to plug cracks and spall. Whereas a stain will do essentially the same thing as a sealer, it also has pigment added which blocks UV light which could dry the wood, cause cracks or checks, and turn grey.

In head-to-head comparisons of staining versus staining your deck, generally, the paint comes out on top as a longer-lasting, colourfast finish, lasting 10 years or longer before it needs to be reapplied.

Great Stadiums Worldwide

Ziplining is adventurous, of course! But have you considered doing it across a stadium? Well, it is really crazy! Many stadiums across the world have introduced adult zip line for the public as a new adventure sport. Now, you do not have to head outside the city to get the adventure. Stadiums are one of the aptest places for ziplining because they are vast, and provide great views of the pitch and the seats below once you are on the zipline. If you are looking to grab a bit of your adrenaline, then check out these stadiums which offer the service. 

  • Olympic Stadium – Munich 

The Flying Fox Zipline in the Olympic Stadium is one of the most unique attractions not only in the country but in all of Europe. The zipline starts from a height of 35 meters and the length of the rope extends to around 200 meters. The zipline track is specially constructed to fly across the whole stadium. Enjoy the amazing view and let your happiness and adrenaline flow to the fullest. The prices for adults at the time of writing is EUR 40 and for children, school pupils and students, it is EUR 35 per head. 

  • Utah Olympic Park – Utah

The Olympic Park was built in 2002 for the Winter Olympics and is also the home to one of the most exciting zip lining locations in the country. There are a total of two ziplines, the Freestyle and the Extreme Ziplines available here. The former is a shorter line, less steep and a great way to warm up before you go for the latter. Also, it is the one recommended for younger kids. In the extreme zipline, the starting point is the K120 jump and the speeds on the line can tough 50 mph. This also makes it one of the steepest ziplines in the world. 

  • Municipal Stadium – Poland 

It is the third biggest football stadium in the country and promises to offer an insane ziplining experience. It takes over 30 meters in height and the total length of the wire is 200 meters. Along with the zipline, complete safety equipment is provided and there is an experienced instructor to guide always. 

  • Eden Park – New Zealand 

Arguably, it is the most famous stadium in all of New Zealand and it has hosted some memorable matches in its history. One of the latest attractions includes a 50m zip line that goes across the stadium at a height of 35 meters. The line starts from the roof of the stadium from where you can also catch amazing views of Mt. Eden, Sky Tower and the One Tree Hill. 

  • Luzhniki Stadium – Russia 

One of the newest attractions in this large stadium in Russia is the zip line. A civil engineering marvel, it begins from the roof of the stadium and goes down all the way to the embankment on the steel cable. Visitors can capture stunning views from the roof and will also be allowed to walk on it when accompanied by a guide. The cable length is about 170 meters and the total duration of the zipline is around 3 minutes. 

Another thing that has been a trend in the sports world is the niche industry is sustainability. In the second part of the article, we will talk about this trend and some of the stadiums that have been on the forefront on this issue. Just like the Melbourne Stadium, these stadiums are already one of the best stadiums in their respective locations and has hosted many large sporting events. Taking a step towards solving sustainability issues makes them great examples for all stadiums to follow.

Amsterdam Arena

The Amsterdam Arena is powered with wind and solar energy, with more than 4,200 solar panels and one wind turbine. The main building comprises an impressive energy-generating escalator and the stadium has additionally set up an energy storage system powered by second-life batteries from electric vehicles that were used.

Rainwater in the stadium roof is collected and reused to water the grass area, significantly reducing consumption of freshwater. Residual heat is used to keep frost off the playing field, a move which needs no additional energy to be wasted.

Fans are encouraged to reduce their travel emissions by using active mobility, electric trains or vehicles. The car park provides free charging points and each visitor is eligible for discounts on train tickets.

Ziplining and sustainability in Stadiums

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

The Mercedes- Benz is the home of two famous teams and the choice venue for numerous stadium events. Last November it became the first professional sports stadium to get a platinum Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification, a global benchmark for measuring the sustainability of buildings.

Energy consumption is 29 per cent less than what the average stadium absorbs, because of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The stadium is equipped only with LED light and LED video boards, and so are less reliant on the grid because of 4,000 rooftop solar PV panels.

The stadium has a stormwater management system, together with the capability to store more than 2 million gallons onsite, preventing flooding in the surrounding areas. Additionally, as a result of water-efficient fixtures, the scene uses 47 per cent less water than the baseline benchmark for stadiums.

Levi’s Stadium

The house of the San Francisco 49ers retains two LEED certifications. In 2014, it achieved the very first Gold LEED certificate to be given in a stadium that hosts a professional team, and in 2016 it obtained another Gold certificate for maintenance and operations.

The scene has incorporated advanced sustainability elements located in Silicon Valley, such as the 1,000-plus advanced solar elements found throughout the building like three solar array-covered pedestrian energy bridges, and one solar-panelled roof deck- the NRG Solar Terrace. Additionally, it offers a 27,000 square foot”Green Roof” on the cover of the scene’s suite tower.

Because of the sustainable purchasing programme for cleaning materials and products, disposable janitorial paper products, and garbage bags, almost 86 per cent of these purchases won plaudits for fulfilling the strict sustainability criteria.

Last year, the San Francisco 49ers team was recognised from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) because of its commitment to combating climate change.

Have a look at the future stadium builts, influenced heavily by its predecessors:

Top 5 Kid-Friendly Museums in Australia

Australia is packed with so many museums, and the good news is that a number of them are also fun venues for your kids. Kids are, by nature very curious and often in the mood to solve mysteries which only they can understand. You can help your kid’s creativity by taking him or her to one of the kid-friendly museums scattered all over Australia. The museums are designed to improve the imagination of kids but most importantly provide endless entertainment. The museums are not only for kids. As a parent, you’ll find yourself fascinated by the historical backgrounds of different artefacts as you guide your little one through the halls of Australia’s most excellent museums. This article highlights a list of the top five kid-friendly museums that you can visit with your kids.

National Dinosaur Museum

little boy digging for dinosaur egg in sand pit

As the name suggests, the National Dinosaur Museum will take your kids back in time to a time when dinosaurs walked the surface of Earth. The museum has real-life dinosaur bones and other artificially designed models. The National Dinosaur Museum offers you and your kids an awesome opportunity to go on an adventurous scout for dinosaurs. There are also several creative games that kids can participate in after which they will be awarded certificates and other gifts. Apart from being fun, the museum provides an avenue in which kids can get to learn more about the giant lizards that patrolled the Earth long ago. Visiting the museum will give your kids adrenaline-packed experience so ensure that your kid is a lover of dinosaurs.

Australian National Maritime Museum 

If you intend on giving your kids an exciting aquatic experience, the Australian National Maritime Museum is the place to be. Known to use modular exhibition wall systems for a dynamic experience, this museum has an endless list of maritime exhibitions and collections that will leave your kids’ jaw dropped. If they like, they can also switch on the pirate mode by adopting the pirate themes that are in the museum. Family fun days in the museums are the best as there are live performances that will get your kids in the mood to have more fun. You can also take your kids through a journey back in time by tracing Captain Cook’s navigation routes.


Located in Melbourne, ArtVo is one of the few museums in Australia that takes art to a whole new level. This is the best place to take your kids if you want them to have an up-close experience with art. The 3D technique used in this museum will not only make your kids appreciate art but will also make them be part of the art. Plus, you’ll come out of the experience with cool new family photos to keep as your own little exhibition showcase.

Museums Discovery Centre

This museum features collection stores which have a variety of artefacts from different parts of Australia and the world. The activities here are so interactive, allowing kids to get hands-on as they learn more about the exhibitions. The programs here cover a large number of kids of different ages, making it one of the best museums to visit with your kids.

 Museum of Contemporary Art

The Museum of Contemporary Art, located in Sydney, is the best museum to let kids be kids. The museum allows little kids to be artistic in their own ways. Through this, it encourages those that may have a deep passion for art to continue working hard on their skills. While visiting the kids will engage in several art plays and art safaris, bringing them limitless fun. The museum even has activities for toddlers, making it an ideal place to take your children during the weekend. Kids are given an opportunity to paint colour and draw things that they like most.

So what are you waiting for? Cancel your nanny services for the weekend and have a blast at one of these wonderful museums with a kid-friendly experience!

Famous tourist attraction

The Melbourne city conference centre is located right amongst the busy central business district. Conveniently located in the Melbourne central vicinity. Close by is the QV State Library, shopping centres, public transport and Chinatown.

Cross Culture Church of Christ runs the venue and offers a unique range of meeting and function spaces that date back over 150 years. The modern 700-seater auditorium, the heritage-listed chapels and the price hall, adaptable to a large variety of corporate and social meetings and events.
The chapel happens to be one of Victoria’s notable heritage buildings that date back a fair way to an era of splendour and charm. The building, built-in 1863 it is seen as one of the choicest examples of the gothic architecture that can be found within the city.  Complete with the architectural flourishes and features, since the removal of the pews, the chapel now combines the historical elegance side with the modern functionality.

The chapel hall is found in the basement of the chapel, which happens to be the ideal room for break-ups and catering. The building has an open floor plan that leads to small workshops, meetings and seminars.
Beside the chapel is where the exterior of the auditorium creates a cover for the little hidden treasure. Fully equipped with the latest visual-audio equipment and the integrated broadband that will impress.
Located at Level 1, studio 277 you will find the ideal meeting space for small gatherings of 5 representatives and up to 40 seats in the theatre styled seminar. The function room has an inbuilt audio-visual system and a natural skylight.

Top shot of Melbourne

The city conference centre caters for:

  • Trade shows
  • Dinners
  • Shareholder meetings and industry presentations
  • Conferences and seminars
  • Cocktail parties
  • Engagements and weddings
  • Family celebrations

There are facilities for hire also:

  • Foyer, balcony and bar
  • Five interconnecting function rooms with AV and panoramic city views
  • Dance floors and mobile staging
  • Business facilities like fax, photocopying, wireless internet access throughout and secretarial services
  • The centre can cater for up to 500, with an area of 765m2 space to use. There is access to the other floors of the building to accommodate more significant events if needed. City Flinders campus is a versatile space with meeting rooms, auditoriums, pc/labs and areas to launch events and cocktail parties.

What does the booking process entail?

First, you will need to fill out an enquiry form or by giving the team a call to discuss the requirements for your event. Once the booking gets confirmed, an invoice is then raised, and you need to pay a 50% deposit once your booking is secured. It’s always better to get it booked earlier than later to secure the best spots or areas to conduct an event.

The auditorium

Located right beside the chapel is the auditoriums beautiful exteriors that create a cover of hidden splendour to be seen once you enter. From seminars to concerts and everything else in between the auditorium is the best place to hold your next event.

The Melbourne City Conference Centre is a multi-venue conference and meeting centre with places that are designed to cater for the events that are range from meetings, dance lessons, lectures, wedding, concerts, building workshops and conferences.

With the history it holds and everything they can offer; it is no surprise that the City Conference Centre is a famous attraction and you will see why if you ever go and visit the beauty. All these centres are easily accessible by public transportation, along with the option of uber around in case you wish to be dropped door to door. Everything is closely mapped for tourist convenience. Melbourne is a beautiful city with something new to do every day. It never ceases to amaze one.

How To Plan a Beach Wedding

You’ve basically won the wedding venue lottery if you are going to have a beach wedding. Whether held at an exotic destination or your summer getaway home, it’s like a mini-vacation for everyone involved spending the event next to crashing waves and a stellar view.

While a beach wedding provides you with plenty of natural scenery and décor, pulling off a flawless celebration at the shore isn’t without its unique challenges. As if it is not stressful enough to be organising catering for functions and the bridesmaid’s dresses, beach weddings present additional challenges. There are many beautiful Melbourne wedding photo locations and ceremony locations and the beach is one of them. Here is our expertise on the essential things to know when developing the perfect plan for your sandy beach dream wedding.

Have a Daytime Ceremony

The beach is one of the most stunning wedding locations out there, it is advisable that couples have their wedding during daylight hours of they are considering the beach. The is because when the sun disappears below the horizon, the water goes dark and invisible.

There are a few things to consider if you are planning to have a daytime wedding. SPF 50 is a must. You don’t want to get a crazy sunburn on your wedding day. Working with flowers can be challenging when exposed to direct sunlight since it can easily wither. Choose a ceremony design and flowers that can hold up in the heat. Some flowers that are tough and recommended are freesias, calla lilies, orchids, and succulents. Steer away from hydrangeas and roses and other light flimsy flowers, which tend to wilt quickly. If you hire a great wedding photography business on the day, they especially know how to take the best shots and make the beach look stunning with their local knowledge.

Have a Sound System

With the waves, wind and other noises, beach weddings can be noisy and distracting, I always suggest using a microphone for the ceremony. Also, make sure you use a windscreen cover for the microphone so that your guests are not frustrated by the fact that all they hear is the wind and not your vows!

Public vs. Private

Most coastal resorts are adjacent to beautiful beaches so if you want an exclusive, it is best to rent the entire property to prevent other resort guests from sharing the venue. If the possibility of other people enjoying the beach and looking on a concern to you then it is a good idea to ask the resort to close off the beach for you for the ceremony when you book.

But if You Have to Wear High Heels

Though barefoot beach wedding is lovely, not all brides would want to go unshod. A way to get around this dilemma is to have a wooden walkway buried under the sand down the aisle, that way, the aisle looks like a sandy beach but you have the stability to walk on in your heels. That being said, choose appropriate stable heels that you are confident at walking in.

Furniture for Your Guests

Don’t forget that your guests will need to sit somewhere during the ceremony. Consider looking into outdoor coastal furniture to complement the whole aesthetic.

Prepare a Wind Plan

Rain may be your biggest concern for a beach wedding but it is really the wind that could cause the most trouble. Windy days can be chilly, sandy and noisy, completely destroying the vibe of the ceremony. Be ready by monitoring local conditions and choose a resort with multiple beach locations so you have a backup plan. Most resorts are good at accommodating for weather changes as well as prepared meals for guests. If you plan to hold the ceremony on a beach without a resort, it would be best to reserve an alternate backup venue just in case.

Dress Accordingly

Leave out the big gowns. A ball gown belongs in, well, a ballroom. You may be able to get down the aisle in a full dress and long train, but walking on the beach and taking photos won’t be easy. If a large dress is a must, make sure it can bustle easily. Think light. Dresses with lace trim can be difficult because they pick up debris from the beach, instead, choose a lightweight fabric like chiffon or charmeuse so your gown flows in the ocean breeze.

Consider an updo. Think of the elements when deciding on a hairstyle a tried and true updo will keep you looking polished all night. Larissa Banting of Weddings Costa Rica suggests doing a trial run on the location to be able to decide the best hairstyle for the big day. Engaging the services of a stylist who can do touch-ups throughout the day if wearing your hair down is the only option.

Ditch the heels. Sand and high heels are just not compatible. Wear flat-soled sandals, espadrilles or wedges shoes that won’t sink into the sand. Put a hem on your gown and go with shoes or barefoot, depending on what you prefer. Remember, sand can get hot. Have an aisle runner made of fabric or thick flower petals to help keep your tootsies cool.

How you can take amazing travel photos with your phone

So, you have an android smartphone or an iPhone and most likely you take it with you when you travel. Why wouldn’t you! It makes it easier to capture (and edit) the special experiences and moments you share with friends and family. 

Here are some top tips to help you make the best travel pictures:

Use a popsocket

This is probably my best tip for travelling. What are popsockets you might ask? Well, it’s like a little mount on the back of your phone. It helps you grip it properly, which makes it a lot safer to use on your holiday. When we are travelling we often take photos when in motion; on trains, buses, boats or hiking. If you have a popsocket on the back of your phone you are less likely to drop it. 

Wipe the lens

This is the basic step, but it can be overlooked. Our kids touch our phones a lot and we tend to carry our phones in our bags which can be dirty or dusty. You cannot often recreate photos, so it is important that you ensure your lens is clean and smudge-free.

Tap the screen to focus

Tapping the screen will take your phone off of auto mode and lets you have creative control. If you have several people in the shot the phone will locate and focus on their faces. It will also ensure you capture the correct colours. If there are objects that are far and near or different colours that are dominating the scene your phone may have trouble capturing it. 

Long press then swipe the screen

You can tap the screen which will tell the camera where you want it to focus. An iPhone or a modern android you can swipe left/right up/down which will make the image darker or brighter. Travel photos definitely have to include an action shot!

Capture the photo with the volume button

Did you know that the volume minus button on your phone will take a photo? You can also take pictures with your earphones to which can help you to get a sneaky photo of those who don’t like their picture being taken or the kids who refuse to get their picture taken.

Hold your shutter button to capture a pile of images

This option is often found by accident. You can capture a pile of photos which is not only good to capture an action picture, but you can use it to ensure that everyone in the picture has their eyes open.

Using panoramic mode

It can be hard to fit the whole area into your location within one photo. Panoramic mode is something you will love. You can pan across, so you don’t need to tap the screen for the second time in order to stop recording, then simply pan the other way.

Take a wide-angle lens with you

Having a lens attachment will add to the capability of your phone’s camera. They are great for selfies indoors or the times where you want to fit more in the frame. If you are an Android user, then you may have the wide selfie option where it is suggested to use the timer or the earphone trick.

Blurring the background

When you are travelling you don’t always have the luxury of setting up the perfect photoshoot from a difficult angle or by removing distracting objects in the background. Did you know you can blur out the background with the live focus option, near far and portrait mode?

Following these few tips will have your travel snaps looking unique and (hopefully) be the best shots you have ever taken. We keep our photos forever – they are milestones in our lives. Memories of the experiences we have had. We can cherish them forever. No need to drag around heavy cameras anymore. Give it a go and see how it works for you. Good luck and enjoy your holiday! 

How to effectively use the GPS during a backpacking trip

Global positioning system (GPS) has made travelling far more effective and easier. It is a network of satellites orbiting in outer space to provide you specifically with exact locations using coordinates. The connections made with satellites though GPS can give out the perfect location of people, objects, landmarks, scenic places, monuments and anything in the world.

 It helps you get precise and accurate locations on the map of the earth about any corner of the world. It is also helpful in emergencies and helps you also track down your pets. It helps in mapping and surveying of a particular place. It provides directions to get to a particular place.

GPS alert system is available in devices specially made for it. They are now also available in smartphones, cars, aeroplanes and in various other forms of technology to help people.

Navigation route

How to use GPS properly while backpacking or on a trip –

  1. Always make sure before leaving for the trip that your GPS device is fully charged and functional and is set to use. Always keep fresh batteries handy just in case you might need to use it.
  2.  A GPS will show you your position by showing coordinates on the map acting as your personal GPS S.O.S device.
  3. You can also turn on ‘tracking’ in your GPS device, through which the GPS will automatically track your movements and save them which will, in turn, help you in tracking or retracing your movement or path just in case you get lost or are not sure about the correct way.
  4. Keep a complete record of the landmarks of the place you are going to venture into so you do not get lost. Landmarks will help you make sure that you are going in the right direction. You can take help of your compass to check the locations of your landmarks and yourself.
  5. Make sure that you check your location from time to time. Take longer breaks if you are new or unsure of the path. This way it will be easier for you to turn back and take the right path as you will not be lost completely.
  6. GPS will also display the data of your trip showing things like how much distance you have travelled or covered or how many steps you have taken etc.
  7. To enable the satellite adjustment, go out in a clear space and wait a few minutes for the device to catch the signal. Even if you have turned your device off, the satellite connection will take a while every time you turn it back on.
  8. Always reset trip data so data doesn’t get mixed up and you can travel easily.
  9. If you are at a place like a dense jungle or big canyons where the sky is blocked, you will not be able to receive a signal with the satellite. So once when you wander out to a place where the sky is not blocked by anything and is clear, your device will try to establish a connection with the satellite again. It will take up a few minutes.
  10. You can already mark the path of your trail by inserting the co-ordinates when you are at home. When you actually set out on the trip, the distance will decrease as your destination comes closer.
  11. Calibrate or tune in your compass and altimeter (measures altitude) so the device can easily show you where you have headed i.e. in which direction and at what height you are. The instructions for the same are generally given in the devices.

How To Plan Your Vacation

People may think that planning a vacation is stressful but in fact, it can actually be very enjoyable. Figuring out how you are going to pull off the next holiday can give you relief and you feel as though you are in control of the trip which makes it more exciting. Follow these steps to make it happen:

Put more thought into the planning

This may seem easy and fun, but it does have some questions. Does your budget allow you to go here? Will the destination matter if you plan it yourself or via a travel agent? Can you drive there or do you have to fly? You need to be sure about this as the more you know the better you can plan that holiday realistically.

Setting your budget

Your vacation is your finish line. This is where you are going to start and mark out the steps that are going to happen in order to get there. It is time to determine how you are going to spend your money and what you are going to spend it all on. How much are you going to spend on meals, souvenirs, tours, etc. Are you going to make multiple trips to the local luxury day spa or are you planning to spend more on fine dining experiences? If you’re a little over the budget you can scale it back or just cross it off the list altogether. Get your plan organised so you know exactly where you stand.

Look for the deals

There are so many deals all over the internet that can help you to score deals on hotels, tickets, airline travels etc. Ensure you look for the deals after you have got your budget in place first because when you know how much you need to spend you know what you need to save. Secondly, it is a great morale booster so you can see exactly when you are coming in under your budget when you find a great deal. Another tip when you are on a budget is to not decide on any particular hotel and pick from those that are actually offering discounted rates. You can find these offers simply by searching the name of the place you are going to, followed by ‘hotel offers’. If you are going to Hobart for example, searching for Hobart hotel offers will give you a list of affordable options for your next accommodation in Hobart.

Saving and working

You need to be working and saving up the money now, so you won’t have to deal with the added interest if you take out a personal loan. If you are doing double shifts or taking on some extra freelance work in order to get the money you need to ensure you are finding ways to keep motivated. Find a nice image of the destination you want to go and cut it up into a few pieces and every time you hit a new savings mark put a piece of the puzzle together so you can achieve more of the picture each time.

Say goodbye and enjoy

You have planned the holiday, got the budget ready so now it is time to live it up. Enjoy all those extra shifts you took at work and those extra things you missed out on in order to save for the holiday so let your hair down and enjoy. Don’t be stuck paying for your holiday months after it is over and gone.

Does this sound simple? It sure is and people want instant gratification which is why people don’t plan holidays this way instead they go and get the funds from a lender and take off. It is more special and enjoyable if you have worked hard for it yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments and once you are home from this trip you can start saving for the next.

Have a plan, make a budget, don’t stress just enjoy.

The following section of this article is dedicated to Tasmania. If you have not been to the beautiful island-state, here are 5 reasons why you should plan your next trip to Tasmania.

Australia’s biggest island is under-developed and people often remark that coming in Tasmania is like stepping back in time. Similar in size to the Republic of Island, life in ‘Tassie’ (as it is affectionately known) is all about the great outdoors.

1. Rewarding hikes with picturesque views

If you only have time to see one national park, ensure it is the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s east coast. This magnificent region of pink granite mountains, white sandy beaches and dense eucalyptus woods enjoys the yearlong sunshine and is home to Wineglass Bay. Unfeasibly picturesque, this bay is Tasmania’s most photographed natural attraction. The climate here makes for ideal walking conditions since you’ll avoid some of those sweltering heat of mainland Australia. If you are planning a trip here, it is advised to spend a couple of nights in the luxury accommodation located next to the wineglass bay. The Saffire Freycinet hotel offers complimentary tours which allow you to interact and enjoy what the area has to offer.

2. Breathe the purest air

As recorded by the air pollution station at Cape Grim, on Tasmania’s north-western tip, fresh air doesn’t get any cleaner than this.

3. Feast on the best local produce – beer, superb wines and flavorful seafood

Tasmania creates outstanding food, beer and wine with the emphasis on fish. Enjoy new oysters in Barilla Bay and freshly captured Abalone, Crayfish and Australian salmon in Bicheno, just north of the Freycinet Peninsula. In the city area, indulge in locally-sourced dishes at one of the fine dining restaurants in Hobart.

If you are interested in wine tasting, Hobart is surrounded with the southern wine areas. Here, you can enjoy lazy afternoons at charming vineyard restaurants where long lunches are accompanied by excellent cool-climate wines.

The Cascade Brewery is the oldest brewery in Australia. Dating back to 1824, its origins in the most unlikely of locations — Hobart Gaol. While serving time for failing to cover his debts to England, Peter Degraves came up with his plan to harness Tasmania’s pure flow water to make the most outstanding cool, crisp and refreshing beer. He was also the one who designed and built the brewery from the ground up and the rest is history. Aside from that, the area it is located in; Richmond village is a popular destination for romantic getaways in Tasmania.

4. Shop, then linger in a café in historic Salamanca Market in Hobart

Steeped in history, Salamanca Place is popular with tourists because of its expansive Georgian sandstone buildings, artists’ galleries and studios as well as its own buzzing café and pub scene. Go on a Saturday morning once the square is blocked from traffic to your colourful Salamanca Marketplace – a Hobart institution. More than 300 stalls compose the market that’s open from 8 am until 3 pm every Saturday. While you navigate the bustling marketplace, you’ll be entertained by buskers playing everything from folk or jazz to blues. Also, look out for food stalls offering dishes made from fresh local ingredients — the perfect breakfast experience while in Hobart.

5. Spot Tasmania’s unique creatures including the Tasmanian Devil

For an up-close view, visit Trowunna Wildlife Park at Mole Creek, 40 minutes south of Devonport. This is only one of the greatest places to see Tasmanian Devils, in addition to a vast range of marsupials, reptiles and birds. 

The Cultural and Scenic Hobart

Right at the edge of Australia’s Southern Territory, Hobart snuggles in the base of Mount Wellington across the estuary of the Derwent River – a gorgeous setting, which carries with it its dark past. Who could have expected this vibrant capital of Tasmania to be once a brutal penal colony, in which convicts were sentenced to decades of hard labor? These days, the town has adopted its rich culture and history. Its handsome convict-built buildings and intriguing galleries and museums are a number of the town’s leading tourist attractions.

As a result of the deep-water harbor, Hobart additionally boasts a rich seafaring tradition. Sailing remains a favorite pastime, and the iconic Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is still one of the best events to look forward to every summer. Year around, locals and visitors flock to the shore to feast on fresh fish and stroll around the harbor gazing out at the yachts. Here are four places I would recommend:

Kunanyi (Mount Wellington)

Often white with snow – even in summertime, Mount Wellington (1,270 m) undulates into the west of Hobart just like a gentle slumbering giant. A narrow 21 km mountain road winds its way upward from the Huon Highway to the summit throughout temperate rainforest and subalpine scenery. In the Pinnacle, people can navigate old pictures from the observatory shelter and enjoy the stunning views across town; the ocean, as well as the magnificent World Heritage wilderness from afar. Mountain bikers like to go all of the ways to the base of the Mount Wellington from the summit, while those on foot may adhere to the secure boardwalks into the edge of their thrillingly steep escarpment. A striking characteristic of the mountain would be that the Organ Pipes, an array of dolerite columns and the famed rock-climbing site. A stroll from the Springs into Sphinx Rock along the way up to the Pinnacle delivers impressive views of those shard-like stone formations. Bushwalking trails appeal to all skills levels and key observational points provide a barbeque and picnic facilities. Sightseers should bring warm clothing for protection against the cold winds and icy weather.

Salamanca Place & Salamanca Market

Built between 1835-1860 on Sullivan’s Cove, the fine historic sandstone buildings of Salamanca Place are filled with heritage. Once regarded as the commercial hub of Hobart, the cobblestone strip is currently a tourist hotspot. From Battery Point, walk down through Kelly Steps to this busy precinct in which cafés, restaurants, antique dealers, and stores are fashioned like Georgian warehouses from the past. A cultural hub with artist studios, performing art venues and galleries, the Saturday Salamanca Markets is one of the most well-known attractions in the Salamanca Arts Centre. Over 300 vendors in the vicinity sell everything from handmade crafts, to potteries, glassware, and fresh produce. Chomping on fresh fish and chips at the neighboring Constitution Dock is a favorite pastime in Hobart. In the very first week of January, tourists come flocking here following the yearly Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Adjacent to Salamanca Place, the Parliament House which was initially built by convict labor in 1835-40, welcomes all sorts of people into the gallery to witness the Parliament in session.

Battery Point

The old harbor part of Battery Point is similar to an open-air museum. The convicts who built the building were first-rate craftsmen, clearly, proven by the intricate details of the harbor. This enchanting Hobart suburb is located by the sea and is lined with quaint 19th-century styled cottages, an array of the best boutique hotels in Tasmania, and great restaurants. Highlights of this region are the Lenna House, a luxury resort which doubles as a heritage-listed sandstone mansion; waterfront Princes Park, where the original battery was once housed; the Narryna Heritage Museum; and not forgetting the mid-19th-century cottages found surrounding the Arthur Circus. The neoclassical St George’s Anglican Church found in Arthur Circus, dating from 1836, had been built by two of old Tasmania’s most prominent architects, James Blackburn and John Lee Archer.

Mona Museum and Art Gallery

The Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) was found in 2011 and has been one of Hobart’s most talked-about places to visit. The private collection of provocative contemporary art and antiquities is located underground and provides interactive Museum experience through the provided touchscreen devices. The gallery exhibits unusual works like an Egyptian sarcophagus and a machine which turns food to brownish slime, contributing its name as a subversive ‘Adult Disneyland’. Moving on from that, among the numerous facilities on this Hobart museum are a fine dining restaurant, entertainment facilities, a library, a cinema, and chic accommodations.

The video below shows a footage of the scenic Hobart taken in 1962:

Facts to Consider Before Buying a Beach Holiday Home

With summer always on our minds, you might be dreaming about a couple of lazy days on the shore or visiting a country cabin. Maybe you’re thinking about purchasing your bit of paradise to escape to with the family. Buying a vacation home is not too different from purchasing a household or investment property. Location, cost, and the house itself are significant when looking at suitable property for sale, but you will find additional details to take into consideration when you’re on the search for holiday house you will enjoy.

1. Location

Proximity to universities and employment hubs might not be essential to your regional escape, but you will likely want access to other conveniences. A gas station and supermarket will probably be helpful so you can have access to the essentials. Walking distance to the beach would be ideal, but we all know how expensive beach-front properties are. It is up to you whether you want to be highly remote and secluded or be located near cafes and restaurants. If you plan to retire into the property, later on, think about distances to hospitals, stores, and a nearby community.

Consider how easy it’s to reach the place you have chosen. You will want to be near highways and perhaps airports or public transport, but not too close. More than just two hours’ travel from your regular home could make you think twice about that weekend escape.

2. Characteristics

If you’re searching for a full-time residence, you must decide on characteristics like the number of bedrooms you want and how large you want the living and kitchen places to be. Do the same to your vacation house. Additionally, ask yourself how important it’s to have perspectives. Would you mind being near the neighbours? How much of a backyard do you want to maintain? Consider upkeep requirements: you would like to unwind at your weekender, not spend some time making repairs and doing extensive gardening.

Remember you will not be around all of the time, so consider security. Assess whether the property might be in danger of fires or flooding, and what you can do to protect it.

3. Prices

Just like with any housing purchase, be sure you budget for all of the prices. These can have a deposit, stamp duty, mortgage and attorneys’ fees. You may be lucky to be able to get no agent property sales if you have connections in the area. Get review reports, ideally by people that are specialists in the local field. Regional properties may face additional challenges due to their location that a regular suburban home may not. Variable in supplying prices. Some vacation houses are sold with appliances and furniture. Otherwise, you are going to need to get money to fit out your escape, since you will not be bringing a bed every time you visit. The holiday house will need its own set of everything. And remember transportation costs to arrive.

4. Tax and investment

A vacation home isn’t your primary residence, which means you might be subject to capital gains tax when you sell. You can also need to pay land tax. If you’re planning to rent out of your weekender if you are not using it, then you are going to need to pay tax on any income earned, though you could have the ability to claim deductions for expenditures. You must always seek expert advice on fiscal and tax-related matters.

Bear in mind; once you’re thinking about purchasing your piece of paradise, it is the small details which will make all of the difference into a weekend getaway.

Skincare for Sunny Beach Holidays

Summer activities might be enjoyable for both you and your pals, but the unpleasant circumstances including sunshine, sand, salt water, chlorine–your own skin are subjected after a day spent relaxing by the shore or splashing in the pool could be anything and cause damage to skin. Broad Spectrum sunscreen can be a given both before and during UV exposure, but exactly what can you do after your sun-filled evening comes to a close? Let us face it: Between all of that sunlight, chlorine, and wind, our skin may surely use a little pampering. Lucky for you, we are discussing a few suggestions about the best way best to maintain your skin in tiptop shape after a long day in sunlight. By cleaning to sheet-masking, keep reading to learn how to look after your skin after prolonged sun exposure. Time to look at holiday property to rent at a sunny location and enjoy your beach getaway without forgetting about your skin. Holiday skincare is definitely easier than selling a house without a realtor these days so there is no excuse for slacking off with skincare.

Cleanse off impurities and dirt:

Following a long day spent outside, your skin may probably use a good cleaning. Many times, sunscreens combined with the inevitable summertime may leave your skin feeling significantly less than pristine. Your skin has probably accumulated a variety of dirt and debris throughout the day. But fear not! Cleansing helps eliminate any unwanted grime, oil, and impurities in the skin’s surface. The outcome? Skin which looks (and feels) clean and comfy! Wash off all that salty ocean water or pool chlorine. So go right ahead and lather up with your favourite facial cleanser. Make sure you stretch the cleanup to your body while showering too. Your body skin also needs some pampering. Use some gentle soap-free cleansers to avoid drying out the skin, causing excess oil to be produced.

Moisturise your skin everywhere:

What do sunlight, chlorine and other aggressors have in common? Exposure can be unbelievably drying to the skin. After cleansing and/or flaking, add moisture back into your skin using a hydrating facial lotion or body lotion. Do this while your skin is still slightly moist since this might help seal all that moisture. Don’t forget to hydrate from the inside by drinking plenty of water and refreshing with watery foods like watermelon and other fruits. It is likely that whilst sitting on the beach shore you may not have drunk much water and became slightly dehydrated, so hydrate your body and skin by drinking water.

Use Aloe Vera to soothe burns and sore skin

Handling sunburn? Help soothe it using Aloe Vera. The gel not only can help moisturise skin, it is composed of 99% water! It provides a cooling shield and feeling for temporary relief. Additionally, it is incredibly refreshing, making it a must-have for freshening up the skin after being in the sun, sunburn or not. You can even store Aloe Vera in the fridge to enhance the cooling action which your burnt skin will love! Be mindful that excessive sun exposure can cause permanent damage, so visit your dermatologist for treatments such as ipl for sun damage to reduce sun effects on skin.

Relax with a sheet mask:

After a very long day being exposed to sunlight, we look ahead to a cold shower, a set of loose pajamas, along with a relaxing night in. And what goes better with that than a rejuvenating sheet mask? Not much, we would argue! The formulation can provide a cooling sensation to the skin and supply an excess boost of moisture. To use, press the mask on clean skin, then sit back and unwind. After fifteen minutes, then don’t hesitate to take out the massage and mask any residual moisture to the skin. You don’t have to rinse! They are small and great for travelling so throw some into your bag for fun times. To really spoil yourself, head down to the beauty treatment services room for facials that will truly awaken your skin after a day of sun.

Look after your lips too!

Wearing a lip conditioner formulated with SPF if you are outside in the sun is really a necessary action many people forget about, but with a lot of different things happening it’s easy to forget to reapply. The outcome? Lips that look (and feel) worse for wear. If your lips have been craving any moisture, then the various measures you need to consider are exfoliating and hydrating–in this order. Start off your post-sun lip maintenance regimen using a lip scrub which may help buff away dead cells from the skin surface. Follow up using a hydrating lip conditioner and lip balm to restore softness and be kissable in no time.

Benefits of Owning a Beach House

Before you decide to purchase a beach house, take a look at the pros and cons to see if it’s a good idea. Sometimes, a couple or a family gets carried away while on vacation in a beautiful island or a region with magnificent sites, and before they know it, they are considering buying an apartment. When attractions surrounding you overwhelm your senses, it’s easy to see somewhere you can escape to even if it means staying in a beach house, a log cabin overlooking a fly-fishing river, or a skiing chalet with timber products all around.

On top of having a home away from home, you get an opportunity to earn extra rental income. Is the idea enticing? Absolutely; however, bear in mind that knowing the advantages and disadvantages of owning a holiday home will save you from making bad impulsive purchases. The idea is outstanding if you are financially capable and have a long time goal in line with your decision. Let’s go through the pros and cons that can help you make a smart and strategic choice.

Pros of buying a holiday home

First of all, you never have to worry about money or accommodation during vacations. You can spontaneously head to your cabin on a romantic getaway or stay for a week without any plan. The decision lies in your hands. It acts as a sort of home extension. A home away from home if you wish.

If you decide to rent the place, profits go into your pockets. However, you can use the little you get to maintain the house or cover insurance. Economically, owning a home is a good investment plan. With time, the value of your property increases and sells at a higher price than you originally paid. You may have features such as curved timber or architectural timber beams showcasing the house, driving the price a little higher for your profit. Unfortunately, you have to be familiar with the holiday home tax deductions. Why? If your home is an investment, some of its running costs like interests on a home loan and maintenance may require tax deductions.

Owning a holiday home provides a place to go when you retire, just like drake low loaders have a destination they want to travel to, so do many individuals. It’s also an opportunity for your children to learn about living away from home and paying rent.

Summary of the pros

  • Access to unlimited rent-free holidays for you, your friends, and family
  • A valuable piece of investment where appreciation of value equals excellent profits in the future
  • It is a potential retirement benefit for you
  • There are no monetary obligations from you during holidays apart from food and transport
  • By renting your beach house, you earn extra income that can cover insurance and maintenance costs
  • There are tax benefits to holiday homeowners

Cons of buying a holiday home

Holding costs should be the first things you consider before buying a home. Without a tenant to help ease the cost of maintenance, mortgage or insurance, purchasing a holiday house could drain you financially. On top of that, the rental income may be insufficient and force you to pay out of your pockets.

Finding tenants is tricky; in a single year, the demand for holiday rentals is approximately eight to ten weeks. During this period, you will need to balance between having your vacation home for personal use and renting it out.

Unless you have a regular cleaner or a security system to monitor your house, you may end up dealing with complications and damages beyond recover especially since no one is around to check your home often.

Monotony grows when you spend every holiday on the same spot, but since you bought a home there, you feel obligated to go instead of having the desire to spend time in your cabin or beach house.

Summary of the cons

You are responsible for all costs required to maintain a holiday home if you cannot find a tenant.

It is hard to rent out your apartment during off-peak holiday seasons. On the other hand, finding a tenant is easy when peak season comes; the problem is, you will have to share your personal space to generate income.

Property vandalism is common among unguarded holiday homes. If the damages go unchecked for years, your home could depreciate in value and that second storey extension won’t be an option any more.

Going to the same place every time creates monotony.

Unfortunately, what you refer to as a perfect getaway spot may not appeal to others; hence, lack of tenants.

There are expenses involved in purchasing a home such as management and council costs, cleaning fees, maintenance, security installation or hiring a guard.

Other expenses include replacing broken items, providing fresh lines, redecorating, remodeling and maintaining your garden/lawn.

Due to boredom, one may reconsider retiring to a home that’s no longer appealing.


In the long run, the decision to purchase a beach house lies within you and your bank account. You may have the money at the time, but it does not mean you have the final key to making your decision. Why?  You need to consider whether you want to keep siphoning money out of your pocket or adding more. Take time to go through the advantages and disadvantages of your decision as you may find that maintaining it is to equivalent to crane hire for a skyscraper with the amount of paperwork and logistics that need to be taken into account. Also, study more about the region as well as its history regarding holidays and get to know your neighbors. You can always count on them to reach out when your home is vandalized or has leakages.

Top 5 Coastal Style Resorts In Australia

Summer is almost here. That means it’s almost time to feel the sand, frolic in the waters, and bask under the sun. And what better way to do all these in one of the top 5 coastal style resorts in Australia! The land down under is known to boast some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. So, it’s no surprise that it also has some of the most luxurious beachfront properties.

But not all resorts are created equally. That means there are vacation places that focus on big groups or families and others on couples and people who love the nightlife. Whether you’re looking to party or relax, we’ve collected the top 5 coastal style resorts in Australia that will definitely cater to your needs.

Sal Salis, Cape Range National Park, Coral Coast, Western Australia

Driving 45 minutes up North of Exmouth or getting on a 2-hour flight from Perth will get you in Sal Salis, a resort come wilderness camp that is built on World Heritage-listed grounds. There are exactly 16 semi-permanent camping tents which are perfect for all types of people – families, couples, especially adventure-seeking groups. In fact, you can have a dip at the Ningaloo Reef where you can swim with humpback whales and whale sharks. The powdery white sand, topaz-colored waters and the starry skies at night make this place one of the unique coastal resorts in the world, the inside of the resort lives up to its surroundings with its beach coastal furniture.

Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas, Port Douglas, Queensland

The Sheraton Mirage is a 5-star resort hotel located north of Queensland in the seaside town of Port Douglas. If you want to wake up to the glorious Four Mile Beach, this is the resort for you. It is two hectares of tropical gardens, expensive restaurants, swimming pools, and an 18-hole golf course. You can also take a side trip to the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest while staying here as both tourist spots are close to the resort.

The Byron at Byron Bay, Byron Bay, New South Wales

The Byron may be located in Australia’s most popular surfing spot, Byron Bay, but if you’re looking to unwind and find inner healing, this is the place to be. The resort offers free yoga sessions to its guests as well as a sauna and a two-kilometer rainforest. The onsite restaurant uses only organic produce sourced locally and the whole resort is built with sustainable coastal interior design.

Southern Ocean Lodge, Kangaroo Island, South Australia

Southern Ocean Lodge holds the number 10 spot in the world’s 10 Best Hotels and the fourth place in Travel+Leisure Magazine World’s Best due to the location, hospitality and interior style. It is located in Kangaroo Island and is situated on a cliff, giving guests an amazing view of the Southern Ocean coastline. The island itself is known for its rich wildlife. From sea lions to koalas, you can experience nature first-hand just by wandering around the resort. Southern Ocean Lodge can be reached by a 30-minute flight or 90-minute drive from Adelaide.

Pullman Banker Bay Resort, Cape Naturaliste, Margaret River Region, Western Australia

Are you one of those people who want to laze on the beach and drink wine all day? If you are, Pullman Banker Bay Resort is perfect for you! It is located in the wine region of Margaret River so, naturally, wine tastings are inevitable. The resort caters to families, couples, and even large-scale events. And if you get bored with all the fancy activities, you can head out to the nearest caves or take a hike inside the forests. Pullman Banker Bay Resort is a 3-hour drive from Perth and the resort itself is a contender to be contain some of the best Perth interior design on offer.

Improving the Functionality of a Beach House

The increasing prevalence of coastal dwellings means more and more beach houses are being designed shore side, to accommodate individuals visiting coastal regions such as a business computer support company employee to then living there permanently as part of a sea change. In accordance with this trend, coastal design has developed past the shore shack weekender, into the development of functional and airy modern spaces.

These properties demand an exceptional strategy within their architectural design to keep out the components and take advantage of coastal living. For those intending to style their own beachside harbor, below are a few features which you may attempt to add to capitalise on a view, promote relaxation, and also to keep salt and sand from becoming your constant companions.

Tile the flooring

Tiles are really practical in a shore home. They look good, feel decent under your feet and, above all, conceal the dirt. They’re also simple to clean and sweep and can withstand a lot of traffic. Together, you may produce a seamless transition from living floor area to outside patio.

Let it hang

Many times residing close to the shore in Australia means you are also going to be living in a rather warm or hot climate. Shade is therefore crucial, to keep your home cool. One method to make this colour is by integrating deep, broad eaves to the design of your house layout.

Embrace the view

Install bi-fold or sliding doors and windows which could be thrown straight back and opened upward, to let the area flow with the outside. In living spaces particularly, don’t obstruct the view by installing large window treatments. Leave the windows bare and the trims exactly the same colour as the walls to make it the hero of this item. Consider a second storey extension if you are particularly interested in a great view, if you have a partly obstructed one at the moment.

TIP: Be creative about where you place windows. Make the most of the unreachable wall area and put in windows over kitchen cabinets to make use of natural lighting.

Install an open-air shower

Without a doubt, the best approach to stop sand being brought into your house is to have a water supply close to the entrance of your home. Having someplace to wash off outside will get rid of most, although not all, of this sand.

A bathtub could be integrated into the original design of a home, or be put up for a fashionable but practical addition after. The trick to success is that you shouldn’t need to get in the house to reach it. Put it near the front door down the side route or close to the rear gate.

Curtail the rust

Carefully think about your kitchen and bathroom fittings and fixtures. Salt from the sea atmosphere is corrosive, and also the layouts of coastal houses will need to take this into consideration. To fight this, stainless steel is among the very best material options for indoor and outdoor appliances and fixtures, but it still requires regular upkeep to keep it in ship-shape condition.

Maintain stainless steel wash and corrosion-free by often spraying it with vinegar and wiping it down with a microfibre cloth, or just wiping it down with a gentle detergent.

TIP: As discolouring from water stains could result from minerals in the water, dry-wipe the washed surface with paper towels.

Maintain the mozzies at bay

Flyscreen layouts are extremely sophisticated and flexible nowadays. They vary from retractable displays in tropical locations, to magnetic displays which are easy to slip on and off for cleaning. Flyscreens accumulate the salt, so frequently wash them by giving them a quick spray with the hose and a wash using a soft-bristled brush. Then leave the displays to dry in sunlight.

Allow breezes to blow with louvres

The option of windows in shore houses is a matter of where to put them in order to maximize, cross breezes, filtered light, the view and also an indoor-outdoor feel. Louvred windows are an energy-efficient approach to catch cross breezes for natural heating, plus they have a coastal-living look. They’re also accessible with flyscreens to help keep out the insects and are at an angle which will repel lighter rain showers, so you can normally leave them open except in the heaviest of downpours.

If you want to be technical consider making your home a smart one with the ability to turn on and off the lighting, heating and cooling all at the touch of a button. If you are unsure how to go about this consider contacting it consulting services.

Standalone sand area

If you have the space or the funds for home extensions, make a buffer zone between the shore and your home by creating a sand area or placing a downstairs bath and incorporating access from the exterior. Just like a mudroom, this secondary entry into the home could supply a change room and a shower, in addition to hanging area for sandy possessions. If it’s possible, integrate the laundry within this sand area; it is the ideal place to load filthy towels into the washing machine.

TIP: Install a faucet fitting which is going to take a hose attachment, which means that you can easily hose out the room.

Best Beaches To Visit

Visiting your favourite beach on a hot and sunny day is one of the best things to do, and when you are a tourist beaches sure are the main attraction. But combining your favourite beaches with hot spot cafes can be difficult at times; especially when all you want is to relax at a cosy, European restaurant. Here are some of our favourite beach cafes for you to try on your next beach visit!

Fish and chips with a Spin

Beach Bites in Altona isn’t just a complete bargain, but a complete find because of its variations on the usual. They function chowder topped with a floating pillow of fried bread. There are sweet, salty kumara fritters, the hamburgers are made and pressed to order. Plus, as it is run by New Zealanders, you will find Kiwi soft drinks in the cupboard and a “fush and chups” pack on the blackboard.

Details: 137 Esplanade, Altona, 9398 1444

I scream, you scream…

Again, controversy will predominate but for sheer quantity of choice, Williamstown has got it in spades along Nelson Place from the bay. iScream is a cute and colourful parlour twirling frozen yoghurt in addition to ice-cream. Williamstown Ice Cream Shop boasts over a hundred ice-cream flavours (such as Red Bull and red velvet dough) in addition to triple-choc-coated cones and a popping candy dip.

Details: iScream, 225 Nelson Place; Williamstown Ice Cream Shoppe, 199 Nelson Place, 9399 9594; Capriccio, 171 Nelson Place, 9397 0887

Beachside breakfast

There is nothing nicer than a brisk walk from the shore to start your day, but a zesty Lebanese breakfast of hummus, falafel and labne or a brekkie pizza with haloumi and roast tomato comes a close second. Mr. Lawrence is a beautiful, airy new restaurant at the bright white Art Deco London Hotel, where you can sit outside with a view of the bay, the Spirit of Tasmania and a plate of joyful food.

Details: 92 Beach St, Port Melbourne, 9077 4992

Shady dining

For the Melburnians who do not want to burn, NSHRY (pronounced Noshery) at Albert Park is as close as you can get to eating on the beach without those UV rays giving you a beating. This spunky glass box, perched between the footpath and the sand, has a lush, slightly Japanese-influenced menu (the umami hamburger is sensational). They serve coffee and they are licensed too, so it is excellent for a long black or a very long neck, while maintaining your complexion peachy and light.

Details: 129A Beaconsfield Pde, Albert Park, 9682 1077

Beachside beers

If you want to enjoy an icy beer from the water without getting sand in your can, visit Authentic South, a slick microbrewery in a renovated Art Deco garage overlooking Half Moon Bay. Beer aficionados will have their work cut out for them picking between season, single batch or regular brews, or perhaps a tasting wheel, whilst cider fans have an easier time of it with the bright, refreshing Little Miss Muffet. There is an Argentinian menu — with great drinking snacks to dine on also.

Details: 298 Beach Rd, Black Rock, 1300 878 360

Get a picnic

If you work it right, a beachside picnic is about as glamorous as it is obtaining (just don’t go if it is windy or sandwiches take on a whole new meaning). Shake out a blanket, pop up that striped umbrella and feast out of a basket of baguettes, smoked salmon rillettes, oozy cheeses, cornichons and champagne, courtesy of this beachside Small French Deli — a perfect place to enjoy delicious foods from this European styled bistro.

Details: 524 Nepean Hwy, Bonbeach, 9776 0855

Coffee from the bay

Vintage shoppers will be enticed to a large treasure trove called Felix — and coffee fans should follow suit, stat. Inside you’ll find a stunning café called The Alley, with comfy sofas, laminex tables and a pink flamingo mural from the plant-filled street outside. Come here for knock-out java — espresso, pour overs and aeropresses; from local roasters Escobean and Little Rebel, in addition to house-baked treats like large, rustic scones and locally sourced Spicy foods such as a zippy Black Russian tomato bruschetta.

Details: 167 Point Nepean Rd, Dromana. 5981 4624

The Best Hotels in Bondi Beach, Sydney

An insider’s guide to the best hotels near Bondi Beach in Sydney, including the very best places to stay for sunbathing places, sweeping views, chic designer Sydney interiors and comfortable rooms, excellent restaurants, friendly service and insider tips on where to go and what to do.

QT Bondi

Pastel-coloured doors and polka-dot rugs set the carefree, frisky tone which strives to replicate the essence of Bondi. A fundamental mural by Australian artist Shaun Gladwell mounted onto a large curved modular walls of blond wood overlooks the lobby and features glamorous Bondi-inspired imagery. While the hotel is surely less avant-garde compared to its moody counterpart in town, the QT brand goal for their properties to reflect the culture of where they’re situated, and in this sense, it succeeds. Curate your trip with the best places to swim, surf, walk, exercise, eat, drink and shop. Staff are filled with information regarding the best things to do in the region.

Ravesi’s Hotel

Ravesi’s is located on Campbell Parade, on one of the main strip centres of Bondi Beach, and is as near the sand as it could possibly get. It’s among the greatest spots in the suburb, occupying the prized corner of Hall Street and Campbell Parade at the epicentre of this locale’s dining and shopping district and footsteps to the surf. Paying homage to the Art Deco legacy of the building, the famous arched windows are painted flamingo pink, as has the inside of the wrap around terrace. Bold art showcases by local artist Daimon Downey, parquetry floors and oversized potted plants compliment the spacious, breezy feel. Then there is the view of the shore, which is exactly what Ravesi’s has always been famous for.

Adina Apartment Bondi Beach

These trendy, self-contained apartments are found in the heart of Bondi Beach’s vibrant entertainment district, with the area’s best places to eat, shop and drink on the doorstep. The lobby has a distinctive and fashionable feel that was curated by interior designers in Sydney. Peppered with diverse and comfortable furniture, rugs and light fittings, it is a place you’ll be able to linger in, meet friends and then head out. The rooms have designer touches and mid-century contemporary inspired furniture. Staff are helpful and will point you in the direction of the shore (it’s pretty close), the town or the best gelato in the city (hint, it is next door). There’s a pool and gym on the ground floor, and a grocery delivery service that can allow you to take advantage of your fully-equipped kitchen.

Bondi Beach House

Hidden amongst the bougainvillea and Frangipani trees in the south end of the suburb is Bondi Beach House. Secluded, private and homely, this bohemian residence is just one of Bondi Beach’s only guesthouses, and among its best-kept secrets. It is an eclectic house, with the operator’s collections from throughout the globe scattered throughout the guest rooms and common areas. Expect antique oriental rugs, Balinese doors, a mixture of artefacts and artworks from local artists. What is more, it is just two minutes on foot down to the water, and fantastic dining and shopping options will also be just as close.

Bondi 38 Serviced Apartments

A hotel with a view of the shore is surprisingly tricky to find in Bondi as the main street is flooded with strip retail investments. These serviced apartments are one of the best-placed properties on Bondi Beach’s main drag, and are ultra-modern and stylish. It is coastal chic with not a seashell in sight. Bondi-inspired artworks adorn the walls, the furniture is modern and luxe and several of the paned windows show expansive beach views. The beach is directly across the street, even though the hotel’s position is a bit more removed from where all the action — and the sound — occurs. Room service comes from Bondi Trattoria, among the area’s most longstanding restaurants.

Why Visit the Gold Coast?

Hanging out onthe beach daily and catching the waves on a surfboard- that really is the epitome of the Australian fantasy. Among the top places where it is possible to do all this and more would be the Gold Coast. Want further explanation on why you need to visit? You greedy thing, you. Here are our top reasons to get on a plane/in a campervan and immerse yourself in the east coast of Australia!

Exquisite beaches

If you want a fabulous beach, the Gold Coast has got you covered. The coastline stretches for 57 kilometres (35 miles) and you’ll be able to select from 20 distinct shores; no better excuse to have a 20-day vacation than seeing a new Aussie shore daily? Surfers Paradise is possibly the most famous of all of them and is exceptionally distinctive as the skyline is practically on the shore. Then a bit farther South of Surfers you may end up on Mermaid Beach, sadly it is not named after the prosperity of mermaids, however, it’s famous for its laid-back charm, which is great if you have been going mad in Surfers Paradise for the past couple of days. It is also possible to have a trip down ‘Millionaire’s Row’, examine the fancy mansions and perhaps have a small shout about how much you really need one. South of Surfers, you have got Burleigh Heads, that is famed for the surfing areas, and if you go even farther south you’ll end up at Coolangatta, another best place for browsing and an excellent spot to visit if you enjoy the old-school allure of a seaside city.

Learn to surf

If you did not know already, Australia is famously known for its surfing and surf culture. Therefore, if you are expecting to pick up the skillon your journey around to the Gold Coast, then you have picked the ideal place to see since there are a lot of surf schools to select from in the region. Proceed over Mick Fanning, there is a brand-new pro in the city.

Great coffee

We understand Melbourne is the most famous in Australia for delicious coffee, but it does not indicate that the remainder of Australia does not understand what it is doing in regard to this gorgeous cup of liquid gold. We have had a peek at beanhunter.com since we understand enthusiasts get quite serious when it comes to their coffee, and have. Check out Stairwell Coffee and Crazy Cat Café at Surfers Paradise or Silipo Coffee at Southport for good times and good coffee.

Ride a jet ski to an island experience

Change up conventional island hopping by riding a jet ski and sense the freedom and exhilaration as you explore the wild blue sea and the hidden paradise islands. View dolphins, turtles, wallabies and wild pigs before quitting in a tropical resort on South Stradbroke. Perfect on a bright day, that is pretty much all the time on the Gold Coast.

Shop the malls and markets

From arts and crafts to food, and farmer’s markets, you have got plenty of markets to pick from on the Gold Coast. Hosted from the Hinterland, along the shores and in the suburbs, you are guaranteed to pass at least one as you are drifting around. We hand-picked a few that you check out: TVM (The Village Markets) called a ‘creative hub’ for emerging entrepreneurs, Broadbeach Markets on the first and third Sunday of each month to get interesting crafts and arts, Marketta Street Food: Tapas Club at Miami each Wednesday evening for a few food or Surfers Paradise Beachfront Markets among the greatest on the Gold Coast- each Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Find treasures and one of a kind summer sandals and lace-up heels for all occasions at the markets or hit the all-new Pacific Fair shopping centre for a modern shopping experience.

Theme parks

Not only does the Gold Coast have long stretchesof surfer beaches and a massive Hinterland supporting it, it is also home to a fairly awesome theme/water parks. Warner Bros Movie World is just what it says on the tin: a theme park using movie-themed rides along with a true life Diagon Alley. Put on your comfort shoes and walk the theme park all day, or if you are more of a lover of plain water parks there is also Wet ‘n’ Wild unleash your inner kid and have a splash on the water slides.


If you are partial to an epic night Out then look no farther than Surfers Paradise. It has got pubs, clubs, Nightclubs, and bars, which means you are certain to find something which’s right up your taste. Crazy for a cocktail? Put on your hot London Rebel shoes and have a look at the Avenue: it hasgot quirky cocktails, food for foodies and live entertainment. Go on over to SinCity Nightclub, a location you might even have the ability to spot some international artists. Alternately, if a bar Is more your style, then there is Irish bars Fiddler’s Green and Waxy’s. There is something for everyone whether it is a wild night at the club or a relaxing wine overlooking the water.

A Few Beach Areas of Interest in Australia

With summer just around the corner, this is a guide to the very best beach towns on Australia’s east coast. It is the fantastic Australian summertime ritual: packing up and heading to the coast. However, not all of coast cities are created equal, some are fab for households, or areas that party all night long; others are big on relaxation and low on action. Find the one which matches you with our handy guide to the finest beach cities along the east coast, just in time for summer.

Images Courtesy of https://www.australia.com/

Best for Twentysomethings: Sorrento, Victoria

Vibe: Do not be tricked by the heritage buildings. Sorrento offers a beach vacation with a buzz.

Attractions: Swim with all the fur seals at Chinamans Hat along with the dolphins in the bay. If you are feeling less active stroll the Sorrento-Portsea Artists Trail, go gallery hopping or cruise the shops along Ocean Beach Road. After dinner, catch a band playing at the local Sorrento Bar.

Best for Couples: Killcare, NSW

Vibe: Aside from the bustle, this forest-fringed escape is a good spot to indulge in good food, a place of shopping and some quality relaxation time.

Attractions: Take it slow on the walking paths through the Bouddi Peninsula national park, laze on the seven fairly beaches (which include Pretty Beach) or check out the fashion, art and homewares on display in stores such as Moochinside.

Images Courtesy of https://www.australia.com/

Best for Nature lovers: Kingscliff, NSW

Vibe: Golden beaches flanked by hinterland rainforest imply there’s always something new to explore.

Attractions: The walking track to Protestors Falls meanders past bangalow palms, buttress-rooted figs, maiden’s blush, elkhorns and staghorns. Serious hikers will want to handle the 4.4-kilometre scale up Mount Warning, while the Casuarina Sculpture Walk provides a pretty foreshore trail.

Best for foodies: Mooloolaba, Queensland

Vibe: Norfolk pines flank the long strip of shore covered with crunchy sand, but there’s plenty to tempt you away from the water.

Attractions: Action lovers adore the Sunshine Coast Kite Surfing Academy, children love Australia Zoo and food lovers are going to want to register for a few of the area’s excellent cooking classes. Try out The Long Apron at Spicers Clovelly or How to Cook Kitchen at Cotton Tree.

Best for do-it-yourselfers: Port Macquarie, NSW

Vibe: If you would rather catch your own dinner than dine out, Port Macquarie is the type of place. Try your hand at catching mud-crabs, or go fishing on a barbecue boat.

Attractions: Notice how many of the 165 species of wildlife and birds you can see at Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park, admire the indigenous blossoms at Kattang Nature Reserve’s Flower Bowl Circuit, or kayak through the mangroves.

Images Courtesy of https://www.australia.com/

Best for families: Torquay, Victoria

Vibe: Victoria’s surf capital is a hit with families that make the most of the water sports on offer, from swimming at the sheltered Front Beach to snorkelling at Point Danger (do not fear, it is far less scary than the name implies).

Attractions: After hanging out at the world-famous Bells Beach, surfers will want to check out the world’s biggest surf museum, Surfworld. Wannabes can begin at Go Ride a Wave surf school. If you prefer to keep on dry land get some earthbound exercise on among this area’s many golf courses.

Top 10 Beaches of Australia